Question 1: It’s a sweaty 13 degrees outside. What do you do?
Answer: Take off work
Ye hae te be a daft wan to want to work when it's het like that. Ye divna want heat stroke dae ye?Question 2: You call summer...
Answer: The best day of the year
An its a day ye spend ootby! Life be te short ta waste awa' behind yer desk, dinna ye think? An that's what the other 364 days are guid fur!Question 3: After a long hot day teasing the Brits, you are thirsty. You pour yourself...
Answer: A 20-year-old single malt
If ye had said I cud have haed a caul beer, I maucht have taken ye up on that. But ye canna go wrang wie a wee dram of aqua-vitaeQuestion 4: You are hungry after your beverage. You crave...
Answer: Freedom!
I cuidna resist! Mind yer, I do loo me a guid haggis.Question 5: Your idea of fun is...
Answer: Running a distillery
Jist ask Iain McAlister, Bill White or Michael Henry - I'm shuir they'll greeQuestion 6: You are washing your ginger locks in the shower. You are singing...
Answer: Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins
Whatna? Dinna be juidging me! Its a graet tuin!! "Highhhhwaaaaay to the Danger Zone..."Question 7: You are getting dressed for work, a job interview, a date, a day at the beach, to meet the queen. What is under your kilt?
Answer: The future of Scotland!
Tourist: "Is anything worn under the kilt?"Question 8: You like your whisky like you like your...
Answer: Women/men. At least 20 years old and single.
I wadna say nae to a dooble or treble tho...