• Checkers,

    Ah Am The Mac

     Fer You

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8 Simple Questions, that's all it takes to determine if you are Mac enough to win a trip to Scotland...

That and a healthy dose of creativity. Knowing a thing or two about whisky doesn't hurt either! To help establish my worthiness for your consideration, take a look at the articles I have written about previous releases in the Checkers Private Barrel Co range and the launch of Loch Lomond and Glen Scotia in South Africa.

Discovering Loch Lomond and Glen Scotia Whiskies – Exclusive to Checkers →
Checkers Private Barrel Co Is Releasing Its 10th Expression – A Real Beaut →
A New Checkers Private Barrel Co Whisky Called No. 39 Joins The Stable →
Private Barrel Co – A Single Cask Whisky Offering from Checkers →

Let's move on to the quiz!

Question 1: It’s a sweaty 13 degrees outside. What do you do?

Answer: Take off work

Ye hae te be a daft wan to want to work when it's het like that. Ye divna want heat stroke dae ye?

Question 2: You call summer...

Answer: The best day of the year

An its a day ye spend ootby! Life be te short ta waste awa' behind yer desk, dinna ye think? An that's what the other 364 days are guid fur!

Question 3: After a long hot day teasing the Brits, you are thirsty. You pour yourself...

Answer: A 20-year-old single malt

If ye had said I cud have haed a caul beer, I maucht have taken ye up on that. But ye canna go wrang wie a wee dram of aqua-vitae

Question 4: You are hungry after your beverage. You crave...

Answer: Freedom!

I cuidna resist! Mind yer, I do loo me a guid haggis.

Question 5: Your idea of fun is...

Answer: Running a distillery

Jist ask Iain McAlister, Bill White or Michael Henry - I'm shuir they'll gree

Question 6: You are washing your ginger locks in the shower. You are singing...

Answer: Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins

Whatna? Dinna be juidging me! Its a graet tuin!! "Highhhhwaaaaay to the Danger Zone..."

Question 7: You are getting dressed for work, a job interview, a date, a day at the beach, to meet the queen. What is under your kilt?

Answer: The future of Scotland!

Tourist: "Is anything worn under the kilt?"
Scotsman: "No my dear, it's all in good working order!"

Question 8: You like your whisky like you like your...

Answer: Women/men. At least 20 years old and single.

I wadna say nae to a dooble or treble tho...

Tell us why you are the right Mac to pick the next Private Barrel Co. single malt

“I live, breathe, sleep and eat(?) whisky! It is my passion and I love spreading the word about this wonderful spirit, bringing people and whisky together.

The more we know about something, the more we can appreciate it. The history, the environment, the men and women that make the whisky... The casks used, the influence of the angle of the lyne arms, the fermentation period and it's effect on the final spirit - the list goes on and on. These are all things I think of and want to know more about. And then I want to share that with those around me, so when that first dram is poured, we can all reflect and appreciate the craftsmanship that has gone into producing that bottle.

I've trained hard over the years to hone my palate, exploring the nuances of the dram in my glass. Can you really taste guavas and sherbert in that whisky? Why yes, yes I can!

It takes about 5 minutes to enter the competition on the Checkers LiquorShop site - I know, because I did it. :-) This page took me around 16 hours to build - that's almost 200 times longer than just filling in the form. That takes a lot of dedication and a large amount of creativity don't you think?

It also doesn't hurt to tell you that I have a British passport and can fly over to Scotland tomorrow if you like!”